Chapter 8. aop

8.1. aop: Introducing Aspect Oriented Programming

8.2. Introduction

In this lab you will gain experience with aspect oriented programming (AOP) using the Spring AOP framework. You’ll add cross-cutting behavior to the rewards application and visualize it.

What you will learn:

  1. How to write an aspect and weave it into your application

Specific subjects you will gain experience with:

  1. Spring AOP using annotations
  2. Writing pointcut expressions

Estimated time to complete: 35 minutes

Important Note 1: The JUnit tests you will run in this lab already work. Just getting a green test does not indicate success. You must also get logging messages in the console.

Important Note 2: Students often find this one of the hardest labs. If you get totally stuck please ask a colleague or your instructor - don’t waste the whole lab trying to fix your first pointcut expression.

8.3. Quick Instructions

Quick instructions for this exercise have been embedded within the lab materials in the form of TODO comments. To display them, open the Tasks view (Window >> Show view >> Tasks (not Task List)).

8.4. Detailed Instructions

8.4.1. Creating and Testing a simple Aspect (@Before advice)

Up until now you have used Spring to configure and test your main-line application logic. Real-world enterprise applications also demand supporting services that cut across your main-line logic. An example would be logging: there may be many places in your application where you need to log data for monitoring. Historically, this may have lead to copying-and-pasting code, or entangling your application code with infrastructure. Today, you turn to aspect oriented programming (AOP). In the following steps you will create an aspect to monitor your application’s data access performance. Check Console Output

The tests we use in this lab already run successfully. Adding an aspect to a class does not necessarily change what that class does, often it just extends its functionality. In this lab we will add extra logging, so not only must tests pass, there should be the expected logging on the console.

Capturing output to the console means diverting System.out and System.err and saving all output to an internal buffer. Fortunately Spring Boot provides a convenient class to do this, OutputCapture, which can be used independently of the rest of Spring Boot. All the tests already have output-capture enabled, but currently output testing is turned off (until you write some aspects, there is no logging to check).

(TODO-01) Open TestConstants and change the CHECK_CONSOLE_OUTPUT boolean to true. Create an Aspect

REQUIREMENT #1: Create a simple logging aspect for repository find methods.

In this section, you will first define the logging behavior, then the rules about where the behavior should be applied. You’ll use the annotated @Aspect definition style.

(TODO-02) The definition of the aspect has already been started for you. Find it in the rewards.internal.aspects package.

Open the file and you’ll see several TODOs for you to complete. First, complete the step by annotating the LoggingAspect class with the @Aspect annotation. That will indicate this class is an aspect that contains cross-cutting behavior called "advice" that should be woven into your application.

The @Aspect annotation marks the class as an aspect, but it is still not a Spring bean. Component scanning can be very effective for aspects, so mark this class with the @Component annotation. This object requires constructor injection, so mark the constructor with an @Autowired annotation. We will see where this dependency comes from and turn on the actual component scanning in a later step.

(TODO-03) We aren’t interested in logging every method of your application, though, only a subset. At this stage, you’re only interested in logging the find* methods in your repositories, the objects responsible for data access in the application.

Try to define a pointcut expression that matches all the find* methods, such as` findByCreditCard(), in the `AccountRepository, RestaurantRepository, or RewardRepository interfaces.

[Tip] Tip

If you get stuck - refer to the pointcut examples in the slides. Or try writing a pointcut expression that just matches find* methods, similar to the setter method example in the slides. You can make it more specific later.

You will need a @Before advice on the implLogging() method which has already been implemented for you. It takes a JoinPoint object as a parameter, and logs information about the target objects invoked during the application execution. Configure Spring to weave the aspect into the application

(TODO-04) Now that your aspect has been defined, you will create the Spring configuration needed to weave it into your application.

Inside config/, add an annotation to scan for components ONLY in the rewards.internal.aspects package. This will cause your LoggingAspect to be detected and deployed as a Spring bean.

Next, add the @EnableAspectJAutoProxy tag to this file. This instructs Spring to process beans that have the @Aspect annotation by weaving them into the application using the proxy pattern. This weaving behavior is shown graphically below:

Auto-proxy weaving

Figure 8.1. Spring’s auto proxy creator weaving an aspect into the application using the proxy pattern

This next figure shows the internal structure of a created proxy and what happens when it is invoked:

Logging aspect

Figure 8.2. A proxy that applies logging behaviour to a JdbcAccountRepository

When you have your aspect defined as a Spring bean along with the autoproxy annotation, move on to the next step! Test the Aspect Implementation

To see this aspect in action, plug it into the application’s system test configuration. To do that, simply adjust the @Import to include AspectsConfig.class in the configuration class (TODO-05).

After the configuration file has been added, (TODO-06) run LoggingAspectTest in STS and watch the console. You should see:

INFO : rewards.internal.aspects.LoggingAspect -
'Before' Advice implementation - class rewards.internal.account.JdbcAccountRepository;
Executing before findByCreditCard() method
[Tip] Tip

If you don’t see any console output your pointcut expression is most probably wrong. Refer back to the notes for TODO-03 and see if you can fix it. Please ask a colleague or your instructor if you really can’t work out the problem. Don’t waste the entire lab trying to fix your first pointcut expression.

When you see the logging output, your aspect is being applied.

If you wrote a very general pointcut expression earlier, as suggested by these notes (just find* methods), try to make it more specific to match find* methods on *Repository classes.

Once everything is working, move on to the next step!

8.4.2. Performance Monitor Aspect

REQUIREMENT #2: Implement a Around Advice which logs the time spent in each of your update repository methods.

  • Return to the LoggingAspect class, and examine the monitor(ProceedingJoinPoint) method. Most of the method has been implemented for you. You will complete it now.
  • (TODO-07) Specify @Around advice for the monitor method. Define a pointcut expression that matches all the update* methods (such as JdbcAccountRepository.updateBeneficiaries(…​) on the AccountRepository, RestaurantRepository, or RewardRepository interfaces.

    Again there is a HINT in the TODO Text if you are stuck.

  • (TODO-08) Now in monitor(ProceedingJoinPoint) method, notice the Monitor start and stop logic has already been written for you. What has not been written is the logic to proceed with the target method invocation after the watch is started. Complete this step by adding the proceed call.

    [Tip] Tip

    Remember, the call to repositoryMethod.proceed() returns the target method’s return value. Make sure to return that value out, otherwise you may change the value returned by a repository!

  • (TODO-09) Once you’ve added the proceed call, modify the expectedMatches in RewardNetworkTests class because now there should be 4 lines of logging output not 2. If the test passes and you can see relevant logging information in the console, your monitoring behavior has been implemented correctly.

    Again, please ask a colleague or your instructor if you can’t get the test to pass.

8.4.3. OPTIONAL: Exception Handling Aspect

Create an exception handling aspect as follows:

  • (TODO-10) Modify the DBExceptionHandlingAspect class by annotating the method implExceptionHandling(Exception e) to be used in the event of an exception. Which type of advice will you need?
  • Add the advice annotation to this method and define a pointcut expression that matches all the methods in any of the three repositories (regardless of the method names).
  • (TODO-11) Although this class is presently marked as an @Aspect, it isn’t defined as a @Component, and therefore it is not picked up when component scanning. Change this by simply adding a @Component anotation to the top of the class.

(TODO-12) After the configuration has been added, run DBExceptionHandlingAspectTests in Eclipse and watch the console. If you can see relevant logging information in the console, your exception handling behavior has been implemented correctly.

Congratulations, you’ve completed the lab!