Chapter 14. jpa-spring-data

14.1. Introduction

In this lab you will simplify your existing JPA code using Spring Data’s automatic repositories.

What you will learn:

  1. How to use Spring Data JPA to dramatically reduce the amount of persistence code
  2. How to use Spring Boot and to set up database properties
  3. How to use Spring Boot annotation to scan JPA entities

Estimated time to complete: 30 minutes

14.2. Quick Instructions

Quick instructions for this exercise have been embedded within the lab materials in the form of TODO comments. To display them, open the Tasks view (Window >> Show View >> Tasks (not Task List)).

This lab consists of two parts:

  1. Replace the JPA repositories using Spring Data
  2. Simplify configuration using Spring Boot

Refer to the schema diagram for help with table and column names:

rewardDining databaseSchema

Figure 14.1. Rewards Database Schema

14.3. Detailed Instructions

14.3.1. PART 1: Use Spring Data Repositories Extend AccountRepository using Spring Data JPA Repository interface

By extending an Spring Data repository interface, we are letting Spring Data JPA automatically implement most of our repository code for us.

(TODO-01) Open AccountRepository. As you can see, this is an ordinary Java interface (POJI).

  1. Alter this interface to extend the Spring Data JPA Repository interface. This interface is known to the Spring Data JPA framework, and it can use it to automatically implement a number of useful methods for us.

    • Repository is a typed interface, so we need to describe the data types that the implementation class is intended to work on. The first type is the entity class that this repository is intended to operate on: Account. The second is the type of the ID column that we setup on the Account. If you re-open the Account class you will see that the data type of the @Id field is a basic java.lang.Long, so simply indicate Long as the second type.
  2. Next, we need a method to look up an Account using a credit card number. The Spring Data JPA framework follows a simple convention that we can employ to have it automatically implement this logic: the method syntax is findBy<DataMember><Op>, where “Op” can be Gt, Lt, Ne, Between, Like…​ For the equals case, “Op” can be omitted, so the resulting method name would be findByCreditCardNumber taking a String parameter and returning an Account. Refactor to change the name.

    • To refactor: right click on the method name >> Refactor >> Rename

That’s all the code we need to write! Spring Data JPA will automatically implement all the methods defined in the Repository interface, plus the method we defined using a naming convention.

[Note] Note

Because we have written zero lines of executable Java code, we can bypass the traditional unit test and go straight to integration / system testing, which we will do in a later step.

Of course there are many more things that Spring Data can do (we can even combine Spring Data JPA automatic repositories with our own).

(TODO-02) Since Spring Data will generate implemention code, we don’t need JpaAccountRepository class anymore - delete the class completely. Extend RestaurantRepository using Spring Data JPA Repository interface

(TODO-03) Open RestaurantRepository.

  1. Alter this interface to extend the Spring Data JPA Repository interface. Repository is a typed interface, Repository<T, K>, where T is the data type that the repository implementation class is intended to work on and K is the type of the restaurant’s id field.
  2. Next, we need a method to look up Restaurant using a merchant number. Following the Spring Data method naming convention, and observing that Restaurant stores the merchant number in a data member called number.

    • What should the method be called?
  3. The method should take a String parameter and return a Restaurant. The existing method has the right signature but the wrong name. Refactor to change the the name.

    • To refactor: right click on the method name >> Refactor >> Rename

(TODO-04) Since Spring Data will generate implemention code, we don’t need JpaRestaurantRepository class anymore - delete the class completely. Enable Spring Data JPA Automatic Repositories

The interfaces we have just modified do nothing by themselves. In a traditional application we would have to write a Java class that implements them, then write the JPA code for the queries.

With Spring Data JPA the implementations will be created automatically at runtime, but need to "activate" the framework to make Spring Data do so.

(TODO-05) Open the configuration class RewardsConfig and add the @EnableJpaRepositories annotation to the class. Within this annotation, you should specify the base package under which all of the Repository classes can be found.

Open RewardNetworkImpl (TODO-06). Since the methods we have changed in the AccountRepository and RestaurantRepository interfaces are different from the methods we have used in the previous lab, check that rewardAccountFor is using the new method names. If you refactored correctly this should be the case. Otherwise, fix the method names now.

(TODO-07) Now we should be able to run the test and the test should succeed.

14.3.2. PART 2: Simplify Configuration using Spring Boot Use Spring Boot to Setup Database & JPA

Spring Boot greatly simplifies configuration of an application through the use of properties. By convention these properties are put in the file.

[Note] Note

Any properties file could be used, but Spring Boot will find and load from the classpath automatically. (If you prefer properties can be specified using YAML in application.yml instead.)

Pretty much everything including database settings can be configured by simply specifying the right property values.

  • See Spring Boot Appendix a for a long, long list of available application properties
  • The properties you need for this lab can be found by referring to the Student handout

    1. The next three steps involve setting up Spring Boot configuration properties:

      1. Open (TODO-08) - it is in src/main/resources. Define properties to make Spring Boot run the same database scripts that SystemTestConfig currently runs.
      2. (TODO-09) Define the Spring Boot properties to make JPA (Hibernate) show the SQL it is generating on the console, nicely formatted.
      3. (TODO-10) Because we are using Spring to populate our embedded HSQL database using scripts, we don’t need JPA (Hibernate) to do the same thing. We need to disable this feature. Set the correct property (refer to the Student handout).
    2. The remaining steps involve simplifying SystemTestConfig.

      1. Open SystemTestConfig class (TODO-11) and add an annotation that tells JPA where to find your entities (the classes annotated with JPA’s @Entity).
      2. We have now completely replaced all the configuration that SystemTestConfig used to perform by giving Spring Boot just enough configuration properties to do it all instead. You can remove or delete all the bean configurations(TODO-12).
      3. (TODO-13) You still have to tell Spring Boot to perform auto configuration through an annotation
    3. (TODO-14) Finally, rerun the test. The test still should pass.

If you have a successfully running test, congratulations!

[Important] Important

How did this work? SystemTestConfig originally created three beans:

  • Transaction Manager: Spring Boot now does that for us. As JPA is on the classpath it creates a JpaTransactionManager.
  • Datasource: Spring Boot does this for us as well. Because JDBC and HSQL are on the classpath, it created an embedded HSQL database. The properties we specified told it how to initialize the database by running a couple of SQL scripts.
  • EntityManagerFactoryBean: Spring Boot this automatically because JPA is on the classpath. The @EntityScan tells it where to find our entities and we used a hibernate property to disable the Auto DDL feature. There are many other Hibernate properties we could have used.

What You Have Achieved. You have simplified your application using Spring Data JPA Repositories and Spring Boot auto-configuration.