Chapter 23. jms (optional)

23.1. jms (optional): Simplifying Messaging with Spring JMS

23.2. Introduction

In this lab you will gain experience with Spring’s JMS support. You will complete an implementation of a DiningBatchProcessor that sends dining event notifications to the reward network as messages. You will also configure a logger to receive the reward confirmations asynchronously.

batch processing jms

Figure 23.1. The batch processing of dining events with asynchronous messaging

What you will learn:

  1. How to configure JMS resources with Spring
  2. How to send messages with Spring’s JmsTemplate
  3. How to configure a Spring message listener container
  4. How to delegate Message content to a plain Java object

Specific subjects you will gain experience with:

  1. JmsTemplate

Estimated time to complete: 45 minutes

[Note] Note

Refer to the diagram as you proceed through the lab - we get you to implement the code in the same order as the flow.

You will have to implement every step before you can run anything. Only at the end will you know if it all works.

23.3. Quick Instructions

Quick instructions for this exercise have been embedded within the lab materials in the form of TODO comments. To display them, open the Tasks view (Window >> Show View >> Tasks (not Task List)).

23.4. Detailed Instructions

The instructions for this lab are organized into five sections. In the first section, you will establish the messaging infrastructure. In the second section, you will learn how to send dining notifications as messages. In the third and fourth sections, you will define and configure listeners to enable message reception by Message-Driven POJOs. In the final section, you will complete a test case to verify that the batch of dining notifications is successfully producing the corresponding confirmation messages.

23.4.1. Providing the messaging infrastructure

In this section you will configure the necessary infrastructure to support the Reward Network in a messaging environment. Define the ConnectionFactory

(TODO-01) In JMS-based applications, the Connection is obtained from a ConnectionFactory. Spring’s JMS support will handle the resources, but it does require a ConnectionFactory bean definition. In this step you will review what we have setup for you.

Open the JmsInfrastructureConfig class in the config package. There is a bean definition to create an instance of org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory. Note the brokerURL property.

[Tip] Tip

For this simple lab, you will be using an embedded broker with persistent queues disabled. Also Spring will handle shutdown of the Broker, so ActiveMQ doesn’t have to. Hence the brokerURL is 'vm://embedded?broker.persistent=false&broker.useShutdownHook=false'.

Once you’re happy you understand this bean definition, move on to the next step! Define the message queues

(TODO-02) Now you will need to create two queues, one for handling dining notifications and the other for handling the reward confirmations. Create two bean definitions of type org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQQueue and call them "diningQueue" and "confirmationQueue". Provide a unique name for each queue using constructor injection. You can use any names you want (we suggest “rewards.queue.dining” and “rewards.queue.confirmation”, which are the names used in the solution, or something similar if you prefer), but keep track of the names for use in a later step.

[Warning] Warning

Remember the queue names you select, you will need them later. If you specify the wrong queue name later, the messages are quietly ignored. You DO NOT get an error. Using the wrong queue-names is the most common error in this lab.

You are now ready to move on to the next section.

23.4.2. Sending Messages with JmsTemplate

In the previous section you configured a queue for dining notifications. In this section you will provide the necessary code to send dining notifications to that queue from a batch processor. Establish a dependency on JmsTemplate

(TODO-03) Navigate to the JmsDiningBatchProcessor within the rewards/jms/client package. This class will be responsible for sending the dining notifications via JMS. Provide a field for an instance of Spring’s JmsTemplate so that you will be able to use its convenience method to send messages. Add a setter or constructor to allow you to set this dependency later via dependency injection. Implement the batch sending

(TODO-04) Now complete the implementation of the processBatch(..) method by calling the one-line convenience method provided by the JmsTemplate for each Dining in the collection.

[Note] Note

Here you can rely on the template’s default message conversion strategy. The Dining instance will be automatically converted into a JMS ObjectMessage. Define the template’s bean definition

(TODO-05) Open the ClientConfig class within the config package. Define a bean definition for the JmsTemplate. Keep in mind that it will need a reference to the ConnectionFactory as well as its destination.

Once you have defined the bean, inject it into the JmsDiningBatchProcessor that is already defined in that same file. Then move on to the next section.

23.4.3. Configuring the RewardNetwork as a message-driven object

In the previous section you implemented the dining notification sending. In this section you will provide the necessary configuration for receiving those messages and delegating their content to the RewardNetwork. You will do this using an annotation-driven approach. Define the JMS Message Listener

(TODO-06) Open the RewardNetworkImpl class within the rewards.internal package. Locate the rewardAccountFor method, this is the method that we want to use to process the JMS message and create and return a JMS response message. But to keep our code completely decoupled from the JMS API, we will use Spring annotations to simply indicate the incoming and outgoing JMS destinations.

Place the @JmsListener annotation above the rewardAccountFor method. Within this annotation, set the name of the destination that you created earlier, the one that will contain the Dining objects. (Recall that in JMS, the term destination refers to both where messages come from as well as where they go to.) Be sure to use the actual destination / queue name and NOT the bean ID. There are many other setting that you can control on this annotation, but the destination is the only one we need to set now.

Note that this method returns a RewardConfirmation object used to record information about the reward. We would like to take this returned object and send it back out to a separate JMS destination. Use the @SendTo annotation to define the destination to send this confirmation to. As before, be sure to use the actual destination / queue name, not the bean ID.

At this point, the rewardAccountFor method is "wired" to receive JMS traffic as Dining objects and return RewardConfirmation objects. But we still have to setup a few more pieces before our system will work. Move on to the next step.

23.4.4. Receiving the asynchronous reply messages

In the previous section, you configured the reward network to receive messages and also to reply automatically to a queue with reward confirmations. Now you will define another Message-Driven POJO so that those confirmations will be received and logged. Define a second JMS Listener

(TODO-07) Open RewardConfirmationLogger in the rewards.jms.client package. This existing logic is designed to simply listen for RewardConfirmation objects on the confirmations queue and keep track of how many we receive. However, it is not yet "wired" into the JMS infrastructure to do this work.

Place the @JmsListener annotation above the log method. Within this annotation, set the name of the destination that you created earlier, the one that will contain the RewardConfirmation objects. Be sure to use the actual destination / queue name and NOT the bean ID. Note that this method does not return any return value, so you do not need to supply a @SendTo.

23.4.5. Enable Asynchronous Message Reception

In the previous sections, you configured two method to respond to JMS input. However there are still some housekeeping items that we need to setup to hook all the pieces together - we have to tell Spring to look for and process the @JmsListener annotations, and we need to setup a factory that can produce the listener containers needed to wrap the JMS processing endpoints. Define a JMS Listener Container Factory Bean

(TODO-08) Return to the JmsInfrastructureConfig class and add a @Bean definition. The bean we want to create should have the ID of jmsListenerContainerFactory, and should instantiate and return a DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory object. This Factory is used by Spring whenever it needs to create a "Listener Container" for one of our @JmsListener-annotated methods. We could provide separate beans for each @JmsListener-annotated method, but they would typically be configured exactly the same, so providing Spring a factory to use is much less work.

The DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory has many properties that we can set, but for our exercise we really only need to provide a reference to the connection factory. You defined this bean in one of the first steps, so simply set this dependency before returning.

(TODO-09) Finally, we need to tell Spring to look for the @JmsListener and @SendTo annotations we’ve placed in the code, and to wrap these in proxies associated with the relevant JMS Listener Containers. Simply add a @EnableJms annotation on the top of any @Configuration class to turn this feature on.

23.4.6. Testing the message-based batch processor

At this point the messaging configuration should be fully established. It is now time to verify that configuration. Luckily a test case is already provided with all but two remaining tasks to complete. Send the batch of dining notifications

(TODO-10) Navigate to the DiningBatchProcessorTests in the rewards/jms/client package in the src/test/java folder. Notice that the class makes use of Spring’s support for integration testing and that the diningBatchProcessor and confirmationLogger fields will be automatically injected using the @Autowired annotation..

In the testBatch() method, a number of Dining objects are being instantiated and added to a List. Here you simply need to invoke the method that you implemented previously in the JmsDiningBatchProcessor class.

(TODO-11) Finally, provide an assertion to verify that the entire batch was sent and that the confirmationLogger has received the same number of replies. Run this test, it should pass at this point. If you receive a failure, examine the exception message carefully, backtracking your steps as needed to produce a successful run.

[Tip] Tip

If you are having trouble and not receiving any useful error messages, check your queue names carefully - ActiveMQ quietly drops messages sent to a queue it doesn’t recognize. Next lower the log level for org.springframework.jms in the logback.xml file in rewards-common. If that is still not helpful, then add breakpoints in some logical places (consider where you are sending and receiving messages) and step through with Eclipse’s debugger.

Once your tests pass, you have completed this lab. Congratulations!